Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A New Year

It seems to be a good year for change. Deb was released as RS president - after 9 years straight of leadership callings, she is happy teaching primary now. I was released as the activities chair but still a councilor in the sunday school. So we have some free time now and want to make a few changes in our (my) life.

Kind of a year in passing.
We still live in the same house here in Calmar, though have been feeling it is time to move. we still want a place in the country. Deb works for AAMDC an insurance provider for counties and municipalities in Alberta. I also work in the insurance industry with life & A&S. Renovating houses just has no appeal for me anymore.....look at mine, it's still not done. We were in California last march and spent time with Debs brothers Wayne and his family. got to go to Disneyland again and i got to spend alot of time in paintball stores, yes i like to play. We also went ot San diego and saw President Sorensen and his wife Verla. It was something I wanted to do for a long time. It was good to see them. This past summer i went on our annual fishing trip to Heart lake. We had quite a few guys this time and had some good fun and a great fishing tournament. This next year we are going to Grist lake for lake trout unless our BC buddies can come up with an alternative. The rest of the year has been the day to day life that we seem to live in.


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